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Understanding how different devices impact user experience and donation conversion is as important as ever, with user’s behaviour often differing across devices. 

With A/B testing and enabling data-driven decision making across devices you can ensure you are meeting the needs of your users across devices and increase the number of donations for your charity.  

This guide will explore: 

  • The benefits of A/B testing and analysing across devices 
  • How to optimise across mobile and desktop 

The benefits of A/B testing for charities 

To enable non-profit organisations to grow, having a data led A/B testing strategy is essential to maximise revenue.    
A/B testing is an experimentation process where two different versions of an element on a website are shown at an even split to the user (A and B), to establish which variation is more effective.  

What are some of the benefits of A/B testing for non-profit organisations? 

  • Know which design works with statistical evidence:  
    A/B testing enables you to identify whether the variation that is being tested is most likely to be better or worse than the control and not due to random chance.  This enables you to put a value on the change you are making and the Return on investment (ROI) impact
  • Maximising limited resources: 
    Charities often have reduced budgets,


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