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Do you ever feel like your to-do list has grown legs and sprinting around the office? You’re not alone! Juggling numerous tasks and activities can leave even the most dedicated feeling overwhelmed. But there’s a simple technique that can help you reclaim control.

It is claimed that the author Mark Twain once said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first”.

What’s the Frog?

The “frog” is a metaphor for your most dreaded, time-consuming, or just plain horrible task. It’s the one you keep putting off because the thought of it makes you groan.

Why Eat it First?

Here’s the magic: by tackling your least favourite task first thing, you achieve two things. Firstly, you get it out of the way, removing that mental burden and freeing up valuable brainpower. Secondly, you experience a surge of accomplishment that sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. It’s like taking the biggest hurdle first – suddenly, everything else seems manageable!

How to Eat Your Frog

Identify the Frog: Take a look at your to-do list. What task makes you sigh or dread? That’s your frog!

Schedule the Feast: Block out dedicated time in your calendar, ideally first thing in the morning when your willpower is strongest.

Just Start: Don’t overthink it. Set a timer for a manageable chunk of time (even 30 minutes!) and dive in. You might be surprised how much you can achieve in a focused burst.

Reward Yourself: Once you’ve conquered the frog, celebrate! Take a short break, grab a coffee, or do something you enjoy.

Repeat: Make “eating the frog” a daily habit. As you tackle your least favourite tasks first, you’ll build momentum and confidence, taking control of your day.

Remember, a long list doesn’t have to be scary. By eating the frog first, you can turn a daunting day into a productive one!