Need a sounding board? Want to get some bespoke advice on a challenge your charity is facing?

Spend 50-minutes with one of our digital experts and harness our specialist guidance. Whether you’re grappling with a digital challenge for yourself, your team, or your charity, or seeking a second opinion on a new idea or approach, our dedicated surgery sessions are designed just for you. Validate your plans and unearth fresh ideas with our digital experts.

Surgery sessions are for both Members and Non-members of CharityWise, and are a separate cost to the membership fee.

What could you use the surgery session for?

You may consider booking a surgery session with us for advice on:

  • Solving issues and seeking advice
  • Specific campaign or marketing ideas  
  • Clarity on your digital marketing strategy 
  • Regular mentoring


Secure a 50-minute surgery session for:

  • £149 (including VAT) if you are a CharityWise member 
  • £179 (including VAT) if you are not a member

Book an expert from one of our teams, based on your area of need

*If your questions are of a general digital nature, then book with the Strategy & Leadership team. If you’re unsure which team to book, then please contact us and we can help you.

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Upon booking, you’ll receive confirmation, along with a separate Zoom email with a link to your online appointment, which you can easily save into your calendar. 


We have experts covering all aspects of digital marketing and strategy

Below are just some of the areas that you may wish to discuss in more detail:

Strategy and leadership – Develop your digital maturity and maximise your team’s expertise with our support. We can help you with:

  • Develop digital strategies: Craft effective, data-backed strategies to achieve your goals.
  • Optimise team operations: Enhance your team’s performance through streamlined structure and processes.
  • Understand wider sector learnings: Benefit from our extensive experience working with other charities to supercharge your marketing efforts.

Website optimisation – elevate your online presence with our expert guidance. Our team excels in:

  • Donation funnel insights: Uncover strategies to maximise your donation funnel, ensuring seamless donor journeys.
  • A/B testing: How to implement data-driven experiments to boost conversions and engagement.
  • Optimisation technology: Advice on the latest tools and techniques for website optimisation.
  • User behaviour analysis: Learn how to analyse user actions and preferences to tailor your digital strategy.
  • Audience understanding: Develop a deep understanding of your audience, enabling personalised landing pages, calls-to-action, forms, and ultimately, increased online donations.

Data and analytics – harness the power of data with our team’s expertise. We offer:

  • Google analytics set-up: We can assist with getting your data tracking set up efficiently.
  • Insights through data analysis: Unlock valuable insights to inform your decision-making.
  • KPI tracking: Monitor key performance indicators for ongoing improvement.
  • GA4 and dashboard assistance: Navigate the latest Google Analytics version and set up customised dashboards for your needs.

Strategy and leadership – develop your digital maturity and maximise your marketing team’s expertise with our support. We can help you to:

  • Develop digital strategies: Craft effective, data-backed strategies to achieve your goals.
  • Optimise team operations: Enhance your team’s performance through streamlined structure and processes.
  • Understand wider sector learnings: Benefit from our extensive experience working with other charities to supercharge your marketing efforts.

SEO – Boost your online visibility with our proven SEO services. We cover:

  • Technical SEO: Highlight and address technical website issues to improve your search engine rankings.
  • Keyword research: Identify the right keywords that you should be targeting for enhanced discoverability.
  • Content strategy: Create compelling content that resonates with your audience and attracts valuable links and citations.
  • Local SEO: Optimise for local searches to attract nearby supporters.
  • SEO migration: Invaluable advice and best practices to ensure a smooth transition while preserving your SEO authority and rankings.
  • SEO Strategy: Holistic SEO strategy advice that encompasses technical, on-page, and off-page optimisation, ensuring your website gains maximum visibility and organic traffic.

Understanding audiences – Tailor your online presence for maximum impact. Our user research team can assist you with:

  • Audience insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your supporters and website users.
  • Customer journey and empathy mapping: Chart the paths your audience takes, to understand and enhance user experience.
  • User testing: Advice on conducting moderated and unmoderated tests to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Enhancing engagement: Identify pain points and navigation issues to boost user engagement.

Content – Craft compelling content strategies that drive results. Our content team can help with:

  • Content creation and campaigns: Generate engaging content for your website, social media, and emails.
  • SEO Optimisation: Ensure your content ranks well and attracts organic traffic.
  • Performance measurement: Track engagement and conversions, using insights to optimise future content strategies.

Website design and development – Create a user-centric digital experience. We offer insights into:

  • User Experience (UX): Learn the principles of UX design and apply them to resonate with your audience.
  • Design best practices: Get answers to your design-related questions to enhance your website’s appeal.
  • CMS Expertise: We’re Umbraco specialists and can help you with technical questions relating to CMS choices and build requirements.