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Sharing fundraising stories on your blog is one of the simplest ways to raise awareness of your charity and the causes that you support.

Storytelling is a creative way to connect with potential donors and to showcase the impact your charity has on the people, communities, and causes that you support.    

By understanding your donors’ interests, pain points and what motivates them to donate, you can create compelling fundraising stories that resonate with your audience.   

Our top 5 fundraising story tips
1.  Understand your audience

Before you start thinking about sharing fundraising stories, you need to think about your audience and the types of people that support your charity.

  • Who is your ‘ideal’ donor?
  • What are their goals, interests, challenges, motivations etc?
  • How do they relate to your cause and the work that you are doing?

You can tailor fundraising stories to your audience’s interests, so that they feel invested and connected to the story. Also make sure that the style of the story meets their needs, such as the language used, tone and length of the post etc.     

2. Set clear goals

Start by considering what the core message of your fundraising story is and what you want to achieve. 


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